import os import time import subprocess from iplocate import re, requests, token, filtro_ip_propia, selfpath, parser, log_usage from json import loads from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Sequence, update from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import distinct, select from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import ForeignKey from rich.progress import Progress, track from rich.console import Console from mapsgen import maps_gen ip_regx = "^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])$" logs_dir = parser.get('bash_script', 'destino_log') logs_dir = logs_dir.strip("'") base_de_datos = f'sqlite:////{selfpath}/ipinfo.db' console = Console() Base = declarative_base() # Tabla registro ip info class Registro(Base): __tablename__ = 'registro' ip = Column(String, primary_key=True) hostname = Column(String, nullable=True) anycast = Column(String, nullable=True) cuidad = Column(String, nullable=True) region = Column(String, nullable=True) pais = Column(String, nullable=True) geoloc = Column(String, nullable=True) organizacion = Column(String, nullable=True) fecha_reg = Column(Integer, default=int(time.mktime(time.localtime()))) tzone = Column(String, nullable=True) cod_post = Column(String, nullable=True) #link = Column(String, nullable=True) visitas = relationship("Visita", order_by="", back_populates="visita_ip", cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan") def get_fecha(self): return time.asctime(time.localtime(int(self.fecha_reg.__repr__()))) def __repr__(self) -> str: #print('en repr') try: rep = f'ip={self.ip};host={self.hostname};anycast={self.anycast};'+\ f'cuidad={self.cuidad};region={self.region};pais={self.pais};'+\ f'geoloc={self.geoloc};organizacion={self.organizacion};'+\ f'fecha_reg={self.get_fecha()};tzone={self.tzone};cod_post={self.cod_post}' #print('Repr:', rep) return rep except Exception as ex: print('Exception :', ex) return "error repr" class Visita(Base): __tablename__ = 'visita' id = Column(Integer, Sequence('visita_id_seq'), primary_key=True) ip = Column(String, ForeignKey('registro.ip')) cod_html = Column(Integer) fecha = Column(Integer) metodo = Column(String, default='---') consulta = Column(String, default='---') registro = Column(Integer, default=0) visita_ip = relationship("Registro", back_populates="visitas") def get_fecha(self): return time.asctime(time.localtime(int(self.fecha.__repr__()))) def consulta_registro(self): return True if self.registro == 1 else False def __repr__(self) -> str: try: rep = f'id={},ip={self.ip},html={self.cod_html},'\ f'fecha={self.get_fecha()},metodo={self.metodo},request={self.consulta}' return rep except Exception as ex: print('Exception :', ex) return "Error repr Visita" engine = create_engine(base_de_datos) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) #Base.metadata.create_all(engine.execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch")) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() # Formatos fechas logs: """ # access.log == reverse_access.log # error.log == reverse_error.log fecha_error = "2022/05/10 07:11:46" fecha_access = "10/May/2022:11:42:14 -0400".split(' ')[0] """ def fecha_access_to_epoch(fecha): """Convierte al fecha del formato entregado por access.log y reverse_access.log(nginx) al formato unix epoch. :fecha: str Fecha :returns: int unix epoch fecha (secs) """ fecha = datetime.strptime(fecha, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S') fecha_unix = int(time.mktime(fecha.timetuple())) return fecha_unix def fecha_error_to_epoch(fecha): """Convierte al fecha del formato entregado por error.log y reverse_error.log (nginx) al formato unix epoch. :fecha_local: str Fecha :returns: int unix epoch fecha (secs) """ fecha = datetime.strptime(fecha, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') fecha_unix = int(time.mktime(fecha.timetuple())) return fecha_unix def epoch_to_local(fecha): """Convierte fecha unix epoch a localtime :fecha: int Fecha (secs) :returns: str Fecha """ return time.asctime(time.localtime(int(fecha))) def ip_registrada(ip): try: ip_reg = session.query(Visita).filter(Visita.ip==ip).filter(Visita.registro==1).first() except Exception as ex: print('Exception', ex) ip_reg = None return 0 if ip_reg is None else ip_reg.registro def carga_access_log(log): if os.path.exists(log): nombre_log = log.split('/')[-1] console.print(f'[yellow]Procesando [[/yellow]{nombre_log}[yellow]][/yellow]') try: with open(log, 'r') as lista: try: largo =['wc', '-l', log], capture_output=True, text=True) largo = int(largo.stdout.split(' ')[0]) for linea in track(lista, total=largo, description='[blue bold]Cargando [/blue bold]'): ip = linea.split(' ')[0] if filtro_ip_propia(ip): try: ip = linea.split(' ')[0] except Exception as ex: ip = None print('Exception split IP', ex) try: metodo = linea.split('"')[1].split(' ')[0] if len(metodo) > 10 or len(metodo) < 2: metodo = '---' except Exception as ex: metodo = '---' try: url = linea.split('"')[1].split(' ')[1] if len(url) > 254: url = url[:252]+'...' except Exception as ex: url = '---' try: codigo = int(linea.split('"')[2].split(' ')[1]) if len(str(codigo)) != 3: codigo = 0 except Exception as ex: codigo = 0 try: fecha = linea.split(' ')[3][1:] fecha = fecha_access_to_epoch(fecha) except Exception as ex: fecha = None print('Exception split Fecha:', ex) if ip_registrada(ip): session.add(Visita(ip=ip, cod_html=codigo, fecha=fecha, metodo=metodo, consulta=url, registro=1)) else: session.add(Visita(ip=ip, cod_html=codigo, fecha=fecha, metodo=metodo, consulta=url)) except Exception as ex: print('Exception: ', ex) try: with Progress() as prog, session: task1=prog.add_task("[yellow bold]Guardando[/yellow bold]", total=len( session.commit() while not prog.finished: prog.update(task1, advance=0.1) time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as ex: print('Exception Progress: ', ex) console.print('[magenta] - Carga completa.. borrando log[/magenta]\n') os.remove(log) return True except: console.print(f'[red]Error al intentar abrir/cargar: [{log}[/red]]\n') return False else: console.print(f'[bold red]Log: [[/bold red]{log}[bold red]] inexistente.[/bold red]\n') return False def carga_error_logs(log): if os.path.exists(log): nombre_log = log.split('/')[-1] console.print(f'[yellow]Procesando [[/yellow]{nombre_log}[yellow]][/yellow]') try: with open(log, 'r') as lista: ip, fecha, url, metodo = None, None, None, None try: largo =['wc', '-l', log], capture_output=True, text=True) largo = int(largo.stdout.split(' ')[0]) for linea in track(lista, total=largo, description='[blue bold]Cargando [/blue bold]'): linea = linea.split('\n')[0] if (linea.rfind('[notice]') > 0 or linea.rfind('[crit]') > 0): if linea.find('[crit]') > 0: try: ip = linea.split('client: ')[1].split(',')[0] except Exception as ex: #print('Exception Ip error_log: ', ex) log_usage('Exception Ip error_log {crit}', ex) ip = None try: fecha = ' '.join(linea.split(' ')[0:2]) except Exception: fecha = None try: url = linea.split('"')[1].split(' ')[1] if len(url) > 254: url = url[:252]+'...' except Exception: url = ' '.join(linea.split(' ')[5:]) #url = '---' try: metodo = linea.split('"')[1].split(' ')[0] except Exception: metodo = '---' else: try: ip = linea.split('client: ')[1].split(',')[0] except Exception as ex: #print('Exception Ip error_log: ', ex) log_usage('Exception Ip error_log {notice}', ex) ip = None try: fecha = ' '.join(linea.split(' ')[0:2]) except Exception: fecha = None try: metodo = linea.split('request: "')[1].split(' ')[0] except Exception: metodo = '---' try: url = linea.split('"')[1].split(' ')[0] if len(url) > 254: url = url[:252]+'...' except Exception: url = '---' if ip != None: if filtro_ip_propia(ip): fecha = int(fecha_error_to_epoch(fecha)) codigo = 0 if ip_registrada(ip): session.add(Visita(ip=ip, cod_html=codigo, fecha=fecha, consulta=url, metodo=metodo, registro=1)) else: session.add(Visita(ip=ip, cod_html=codigo, fecha=fecha, consulta=url, metodo=metodo)) else: log_usage('carga error.log', linea) except Exception as ex: print('[Procesando *Error.log] Exception: ', ex) try: info_error = f'IP:[{ip}] - FECHA:[{fecha}] - METODO:[{metodo}] - URL:[{url}]' log_usage('Exception error.log', info_error) except: pass try: with Progress() as prog, session: task1=prog.add_task("[yellow bold]Guardando[/yellow bold]", total=len( session.commit() while not prog.finished: prog.update(task1, advance=0.1) time.sleep(0.05) except Exception as ex: #print('Exception error.log - Progress session commit', ex) log_usage('Exception error.log - Progress session commit', ex) console.print(f'[magenta] - Carga completa.. borrando log[/magenta]\n') os.remove(log) return True except: console.print(f'[red]Error al intentar abrir/cargar: [{log}[/red]]\n') log_usage(f'Error al abrir/cargar', log) return False else: console.print(f'[bold red]Log: [[/bold red]{log}[bold red]] inexistente.[/bold red]\n') log_usage(f'Log inexistente', log) return False def carga_logs(): logpath = logs_dir+'/access.log' if os.path.exists(logpath): carga_access_log(logpath) logpath = logs_dir+'/reverse-access.log' if os.path.exists(logpath): carga_access_log(logpath) logpath = logs_dir+'/error.log' if os.path.exists(logpath): carga_error_logs(logpath) logpath = logs_dir+'/reverse-error.log' if os.path.exists(logpath): carga_error_logs(logpath) def carga_registro_ip(ip_info): if not ip_registrada(ip_info['ip']): info_dic = {} info_dic['ip'] = ip_info['ip'] info_dic['hostname'] = ip_info['hostname'] if 'hostname' in ip_info else None info_dic['anycast'] = ip_info['anycast'] if 'anycast' in ip_info else None info_dic['ciudad'] = ip_info['city'] if 'city' in ip_info else None info_dic['region'] = ip_info['region'] if 'region' in ip_info else None info_dic['pais'] = ip_info['country'] if 'country' in ip_info else None info_dic['geoloc'] = ip_info['loc'] if 'loc' in ip_info else None info_dic['organizacion'] = ip_info['org'] if 'org' in ip_info else None info_dic['tzone'] = ip_info['timezone'] if 'timezone' in ip_info else None info_dic['cod_post'] = ip_info['postal'] if 'postal' in ip_info else None try: session.add(Registro( ip = info_dic['ip'], hostname = info_dic['hostname'], anycast = info_dic['anycast'], cuidad = info_dic['ciudad'], region = info_dic['region'], pais = info_dic['pais'], geoloc = info_dic['geoloc'], organizacion = info_dic['organizacion'], fecha_reg = int(time.mktime(time.localtime())), tzone = info_dic['tzone'], cod_post = info_dic['cod_post'], )) session.commit() except Exception as ex: print('[session.commit(ADD REGISTRO)] Exception: ', ex) print('Datos-Dic: ', info_dic) stmt = update(Visita).where(Visita.ip == ip_info['ip']).values(registro=1).\ execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") #result = session.execute(stmt) try: session.execute(stmt) session.commit() except Exception as ex: print('[session.commit(UPDT VISITA)] Exception: ', ex) def consulta_ip(ip_consulta, tkn=True): if (, ip_consulta)): match tkn: case True: consulta = f'{ip_consulta}{token}' info_ip = requests.get(consulta).text return loads(info_ip) case False: consulta = f'{ip_consulta}' info_ip = requests.get(consulta).text return loads(info_ip) case None: resp = consulta_db(ip_consulta) return resp def consulta_db(ip): try: statement = session.query(Registro, Visita).join('visitas').filter_by(ip=ip) result = session.execute(statement).all() return result except Exception as ex: print('Exception consulta_db:\n', ex) def registro_ips(): statement = select(Visita).filter_by(registro=0) with Progress() as progress: total = len(session.execute(statement).scalars().all()) task1= progress.add_task("[bold blue]Cargando [/bold blue]", total=total) total_ant = total while not progress.finished: res = session.execute(statement).scalars().first() total_act = len(session.execute(statement).scalars().all()) avance = total_ant - total_act #print('total update:',total,'total_act:', total_act,' Diferencia: ', avance ) total_ant = total_act if res is None: progress.update (task1, advance=avance) else: ip_actual= res.ip ip_info = consulta_ip(ip_actual, True) carga_registro_ip(ip_info) progress.update(task1, advance=avance) console.print('\n[bold yellow]Registro en base de datos finalizado.[/bold yellow]') def mapsgen(): try: stmn = session.query(Registro.geoloc.distinct()).join('visitas').where(Visita.cod_html==200) loc_200 = session.execute(stmn).all() stmn = session.query(Registro.geoloc.distinct()).join('visitas').where(Visita.cod_html!=200) loc_300 = session.execute(stmn).all() maps_gen(loc_200, loc_300) except Exception as ex: print('Exception: ', ex)