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This commit is contained in: 2020-07-11 18:14:02 -04:00
parent 6d32beeb18
commit b163a1563b
14 changed files with 2746 additions and 0 deletions

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#Curso Profesional de Git y GitHub
Puedes encontrar el curso completo en:
En el siguiente documento, encontrarás los diferentes retos colocados al final del curso.
Como podrás observar, existen diferentes temas que deberás dominar antes de poder realizarlos.
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Encuentra las diapositivas en: ""
[Presentación "Curso de Git"](
1. Debes terminar el curso de GIT y GitHub de Platzi, al menos hasta Workflows.
2. Los desafíos tienden a resolverse con múltiples soluciones. No existe una.
3. Necesitarás un hosting y otras librerías para resolverlo de forma más creativa.
Puedes usar: Digital Ocean, Webfaction ó Amazon Web Services si tienes con este último mayor nivel.
##¿Qué pasa al resolverlos?
- Tendrás un proyecto en tu portafolio adicional.
- Le daré un vistazo y te daré mi retrospectiva.
##1. Crea un blog con GitHub Pages
La creación de un sitio en GitHub Pages requiere que:
1. Generes una cuenta en GitHub
2. Lances un proyecto dentro del mismo. (git push)
3. Te coloques en la rama de gh-pages y despliegues.
El taller que puede funcionarte enormemente es:
[Material de GitHub Pages](
##2. Diseñar un proyecto con Git
1. Visualizar tu proyecto y enlistarlo en el issues management de GitHub.
Esto implica:
- Que generes Milestones e issues.
- Coloques deadlines
2. Subirlo a GitHub.
Conforme vayas resolviendo los issues del proyecto, los irás subiendo en diferentes commits con descripciones relacionadas a ellas.
3. Resolver al menos 10 issues, con 10 commits. Con esto, podrás ver el diseño del proyecto completo.
##3. Realizar un despliegue ("deploy") con Git
1. Necesitarás un servidor y conectarte vía SSH
2. Subir tu proyecto a GitHub
3. Desplegar con pull y push.

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<h1 class="post-title">Welcome to Ghost</h1>
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<time class="post-date" datetime="2016-01-24">24 January 2016</time> on <a href="../tag/getting-started/">Getting Started</a>
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<p>You're live! Nice. We've put together a little post to introduce you to the Ghost editor and get you started. You can manage your content by signing in to the admin area at <code>&lt;your blog URL&gt;/ghost/</code>. When you arrive, you can select this post from a list on the left and see a preview of it on the right. Click the little pencil icon at the top of the preview to edit this post and read the next section!</p>
<h2 id="gettingstarted">Getting Started</h2>
<p>Ghost uses something called Markdown for writing. Essentially, it's a shorthand way to manage your post formatting as you write!</p>
<p>Writing in Markdown is really easy. In the left hand panel of Ghost, you simply write as you normally would. Where appropriate, you can use <em>shortcuts</em> to <strong>style</strong> your content. For example, a list:</p>
<li>Item number one</li>
<li>Item number two
<ul><li>A nested item</li></ul></li>
<li>A final item</li>
<p>or with numbers!</p>
<li>Remember to buy some milk </li>
<li>Drink the milk </li>
<li>Tweet that I remembered to buy the milk, and drank it</li>
<h3 id="links">Links</h3>
<p>Want to link to a source? No problem. If you paste in a URL, like <a href=""></a> - it'll automatically be linked up. But if you want to customise your anchor text, you can do that too! Here's a link to <a href="">the Ghost website</a>. Neat.</p>
<h3 id="whataboutimages">What about Images?</h3>
<p>Images work too! Already know the URL of the image you want to include in your article? Simply paste it in like this to make it show up:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="The Ghost Logo"></p>
<p>Not sure which image you want to use yet? That's ok too. Leave yourself a descriptive placeholder and keep writing. Come back later and drag and drop the image in to upload:</p>
<h3 id="quoting">Quoting</h3>
<p>Sometimes a link isn't enough, you want to quote someone on what they've said. Perhaps you've started using a new blogging platform and feel the sudden urge to share their slogan? A quote might be just the way to do it!</p>
<p>Ghost - Just a blogging platform</p>
<h3 id="workingwithcode">Working with Code</h3>
<p>Got a streak of geek? We've got you covered there, too. You can write inline <code>&lt;code&gt;</code> blocks really easily with back ticks. Want to show off something more comprehensive? 4 spaces of indentation gets you there.</p>
<pre><code>.awesome-thing {
display: block;
width: 100%;
<h3 id="readyforabreak">Ready for a Break?</h3>
<p>Throw 3 or more dashes down on any new line and you've got yourself a fancy new divider. Aw yeah.</p>
<h3 id="advancedusage">Advanced Usage</h3>
<p>There's one fantastic secret about Markdown. If you want, you can write plain old HTML and it'll still work! Very flexible.</p>
<p><input type="text" placeholder="I'm an input field!"></p>
<p>That should be enough to get you started. Have fun - and let us know what you think :)</p>
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<h4><a href="../author/mike/">Mike Nieva</a></h4>
<p>Read <a href="../author/mike/">more posts</a> by this author.</p>
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