import tkinter as tk def fin_04(): """Create a program that will display the following screen: +-------------------------------------------------+ | ___________ ________________ | | Enter a number: |___________| |View Times Table|| | ___________ |________________|| | | | ________________ | | | | | Clear || | | | |________________|| | | | | | | | | | |___________| | |_________________________________________________| When the user enters a number in the first box and clicks on the "View Times Table" button it should show the times table in the list area. For instance, if the user entered 99 they would see the list as shown in the example on the right. The "Clear" button should clear both boxes.""" com_bg = "dodger blue" window = tk.Tk() window.title("Tablas de Multiplicar") window.geometry("400x300") window["bg"] = com_bg lbl_num = tk.Label(text="Ingresa un nĂºmero:", font="Verdana 10") lbl_num["bg"] = com_bg, y=20, width=130, height=30) txt_in = tk.Entry(), y=20, width=120, height=30) def view(): num = txt_in.get() clear() if num.isdigit(): num = int(num) for i in range(1,13): lst_table.insert('end', f"{i} x {num} = {i*num}") else: clear() def clear(): lst_table.delete(0, 'end') txt_in.delete(0, 'end') txt_in.focus() btn_view = tk.Button(text="Ver tablas", width=100, height=30, command=view), y=20, width=100, height=30) lst_table = tk.Listbox() lst_table["justify"] = "left", y=60, width=120 ,height=230) btn_clear = tk.Button(text="Limpiar", width=100, height=30, command=clear), y=60, width=100, height=30) txt_in.focus() window.mainloop()