from os import getcwd as pwd import tkinter as tk import sqlite3 def sql_07(): """Create a program that displays the following screen: +---------------------------------------+ | _____________ | | Enter student's name |_____________| | | _____________ | | Enter student's grade |_____________| | | _________ _________ | | |___Add___| |__Clear__| | |_______________________________________| It should save the data to an SQL database called TestScores when the Add button is clicked. The Clear button should clear the window.""" db_path = f"{pwd()}/sqlite/db/NotasAlumnos.db" with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as db: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notas ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, alumno TEXT NOT NULL, nota FLOAT NOT NULL )""") window = tk.Tk() window.title("Notas Estudiantes") window.geometry("400x200") common_bg = "dodger blue" window["bg"] = common_bg def save(): with sqlite3.connect(db_path) as db: cursor = db.cursor() alumno = in_name.get() nota = in_grade.get() query = f"INSERT INTO notas(alumno, nota) VALUES(?,?)" cursor.execute(query, [alumno, nota]) btn_clear.focus() def clear(): in_name.delete(0, 'end') in_grade.delete(0, 'end') in_name.focus() lbl_name = tk.Label(text="Nombre", font="Verdana 18"), y=20, width=150, height=40) lbl_name["bg"] = common_bg lbl_grade = tk.Label(text="Nota", font="Verdana 18"), y=70, width=150, height=40) lbl_grade["bg"] = common_bg in_name = tk.Entry(font="Verdana 14"), y=20, width=190, height=40) in_grade = tk.Entry(font="Verdana 14"), y=70, width=190, height=40) btn_save = tk.Button(text="Guardar", command=save) btn_save["font"] = "Verdana 16", y=140, width=150, height=45) btn_clear = tk.Button(text="Limpiar", command=clear) btn_clear["font"] = "Verdana 16", y=140, width=150, height=45) in_name.focus() window.mainloop()