from os import getcwd as pwd import tkinter as tk def tk_13(): """Create a program that will ask the user to enter a name and then select the gender for that person from a drop-down list. It should then add the name and the gender (separated by a comma) to a list box when the user clicks on a button.""" base_path = f"{pwd()}/tkgui/imgs" window = tk.Tk() window.title("Personal Data TK") window.geometry("590x200") title_icon = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/devfzn_64x64.png") window.iconphoto(False, title_icon) common_bg = "dodger blue" window["bg"] = common_bg gender_ops = [ 'Privado', 'Masculino', 'Femenino', 'Otro' ] lbl_info = tk.Label(text="Lista Usuarios", font="Verdana 18") lbl_info["bg"] = common_bg, y=20, width=200, height=20) box_name = tk.Entry() box_name["justify"] = "left", y=62, width=140, height=30) box_name.focus() sel_gen = tk.StringVar(window) sel_gen.set("género") lst_genders = tk.OptionMenu(window, sel_gen, *gender_ops), y=60, width=100) lst_users = tk.Listbox() lst_users["justify"] = "center", y=50, width=150, height=100) def add_user(): name = box_name.get() gender = sel_gen.get() if gender != "género" and name != '': new_user = f"{name},{gender}" lst_users.insert('end', new_user) box_name.delete(0,'end') sel_gen.set("género") box_name.focus() else: lst_genders.focus() btn_add = tk.Button(text="Agregar usuario", command=add_user), y=110, width=340, height=35) lbl_name = tk.Message(text="NOMBRE", font="Verdana 12") lbl_name["bg"] = common_bg lbl_name["width"] = 70 lbl_name["justify"] = "left", y=62, width=70, height=25) window.mainloop()