from os import getcwd as pwd import tkinter as tk def tk_15(): """Save several images in the same folder as your program and call them 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif, etc. Make sure they are all .gif files. Display one in a window and ask the user to enter a number. It should then use that number to choose the correct file name and display the correct image.""" path_base = f"{pwd()}/tkgui/imgs" com_bg = "DarkOrchid2" window = tk.Tk() window.geometry("310x420") window.configure(background=com_bg) title_icon = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{path_base}/devfzn_64x64.png") window.iconphoto(False, title_icon) photo1 = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{path_base}/devfzn_250x250.png") lbl_img = tk.Label(window, image=photo1) lbl_img["image"] = photo1 lbl_img["bg"] = com_bg,y=160,width=250,height=250) ent_num = tk.Entry(font="Verdana 20") ent_num["justify"] = "center", y=100, width=50, height=50) lbl_msg = tk.Message(text="Ingresa un nĂºmero (1-4)", font="Verdana 16") lbl_msg["width"] = 150 lbl_msg["bg"] = com_bg lbl_msg["justify"] = "center", y=95, width=150, height=60) def clicked(): sel = ent_num.get() sel = sel.replace(' ', '') if sel.isdigit() and (0 < int(sel) < 5): photo = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{path_base}/img_{sel}.png") lbl_img.image = photo else: ent_num.delete(0, 'end') photo = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{path_base}/error.png") lbl_img.image = photo lbl_img["image"] = photo lbl_img.update() ent_num.focus() button = tk.Button(text="Click", command=clicked) button["bg"] = "tomato", y=30, width=220, height=50) ent_num.focus() window.mainloop()