2023-11-09 17:45:00 -03:00

80 lines
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class basics_004:
def decims(self):
"""Ask the user to enter a number with lots of decimal places. Multiply
this number by two and display the answer."""
num = float(input("Ingresa un número con muchos decimales: "))
def decims_round(self):
"""Update last program so that it will display the answer to two decimal
num = float(input("Ingresa un número con muchos decimales: "))
numr = round(num*2, 2)
def square_root(self):
"""Ask the user to enter an integer that is over 500. Work out the
square root of that number and display it to two decimal places."""
from math import sqrt
num = int("Ingresa un número entero mayor de 500: ")
root = round(sqrt(num), 2)
def pi_round(self):
"""Display pi (π) to five decimal places."""
from math import pi
def circle_area(self):
"""Ask the user to enter the radius of a circle. Work out the area of
the circle (π*radius2)."""
from math import pi
radio = float(input("Ingresa el radio de la circunferencia: "))
area = pi*(radio**2)
print(f"El area de la circunferencia es {round(area, 3)}")
def cyl_vol(self):
"""Ask for the radius and the depth of a cylinder and work out the total
volume (circle area*depth) rounded to three decimal places."""
from math import pi
radio = float(input("Ingresa el radio del cilindro: "))
largo = float(input("Ingresa el largo del cilindro: "))
area = pi*(radio**2)
volumen = round(area*largo, 3)
print(f"El volumen del cilindro es {volumen}")
def friendly_div(self):
"""Ask the user to enter two numbers. Use whole number division to divide
the first number by the second and also work out the remainder and
display the answer in a user-friendly way (e.g. if they enter 7 and 2
display \"7 divided by 2 is 3 with 1 remaining\")."""
num_1 = float(input("Ingresa un número: "))
num_2 = float(input("Ingresa otro número: "))
res_1 = num_1//num_2
res_2 = num_1%num_2
print(f"{num_2} cabe {res_1} veces en {num_1}, y sobran {res_2} ")
def circ_trian(self):
"""Display the following message:
1) Square
2) Triangle
Enter a number:
If the user enters 1, then it should ask them for the length of one of
its sides and display the area. If they select 2, it should ask for the
base and height of the triangle and display the area. If they type in
anything else, it should give them a suitable error message"""
print(" 1) Cuadrado\n 2) Triangulo\n")
choice = input(" Ingresa un número: ")
match choice:
case '1':
side = int(input("Ingresa el largo del cuadrado: "))
print(f"El area del cuadrado es {side*side}")
case '2':
base = int(input("Ingresa la base del triagulo: "))
altura = int(input("Ingresa la altura del triagulo: "))
area = round((base*altura)/2, 3)
print(f"El area del triangulo rectángulo es {area}")
case _:
print("Debes escoger una opción válida")