2023-11-11 00:09:22 -03:00

29 lines
1021 B

from turtle import penup, goto, pendown # required for turtle(logo) graphics.
from math import sin, cos, pi
import turtle # required to calculate sin, cos and pi
r = 200 # radius = 400px
inc = pi/50 # angular increment = 100th of the circle = 2*pi/100 = pi/50
t = 0 # plotting point
n = 1.5 # offset; lies in range 0 and 2pi
for i in range(100): # there will be 100 chords(straight lines).
# (x1, y1) is the starting point of the chord.
x1 = r*sin(t); y1 = r*cos(t)
# (x2, y2) is the ending point of the chord.
x2 = r*sin(t+n); y2 = r*cos(t+n)
# display the calculated values to the user along with the line number.
print("{}: ({}, {}), ({}, {})".format(i+1, x1, y1, x2, y2))
penup() # lift pen
goto(x1, y1) # go to (x1, y1) point
pendown() # drop pen
goto(x2, y2) # go to (x2, y2) point
t += inc # increment angle
input("Press any enter to continue...")