diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index a30363b..b50b301 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -15,13 +15,28 @@ csharp_new_line_before_finally = false
# csharp_new_line_before_members_in_anonymous_types = false
# csharp_new_line_between_query_expression_clauses = false
-dotnet_naming_style.camel_case.capitalization = camel_case
+# IDE1006
+# dotnet_naming_style.camel_case.capitalization = camel_case
# symbols
-dotnet_naming_symbols.private_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = private
-dotnet_naming_symbols.public_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public, protected
-dotnet_naming_symbols.interface_types.applicable_kinds = interface
+# dotnet_naming_symbols.private_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = private
+# dotnet_naming_symbols.public_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public, protected
+# dotnet_naming_symbols.interface_types.applicable_kinds = interface
# rules
dotnet_naming_rule.camel_case_for_private.severity = warning
dotnet_naming_rule.camel_case_for_private.symbols = private_symbols
dotnet_naming_rule.camel_case_for_private.style = camel_case
+dotnet_naming_style.variable_style.capitalization = camel_case
+dotnet_naming_style.variable_style.required_prefix = _
+dotnet_naming_style.variable_style.required_suffix =
+# Enforce custom snake_case-like naming for variable names
+# dotnet_naming_rule.snake_case_like.variables.severity = error
+# dotnet_naming_rule.snake_case_like.variables.symbols = variable
+# dotnet_naming_rule.snake_case_like.variables.style = custom_snake_case_like
+# dotnet_naming_symbols.variable.applicable_kinds = field, local, parameter
+#dotnet_naming_style.custom_snake_case_like.capitalization = camel_case
+#dotnet_naming_style.custom_snake_case_like.required_prefix = _
+#dotnet_naming_style.custom_snake_case_like.required_suffix =
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/018_csharp.md b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/018_csharp.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3698be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/018_csharp.md
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Guided project - Develop conditional branching and looping structures in C#
+Gain experience developing a console app that implements selection and
+iteration statements to achieve app specifications.
+### Learning objectives
+In this module, you'll practice how to:
+- Use Visual Studio Code to develop a C# console application that uses a
+combination of selection and iteration statements to implement logical
+workflows in accordance with supplied application data and user interactions.
+- Evaluate the underlying conditions and make an informed decision when choosing
+between `if-elseif-else` and `switch` statements, and between `foreach`,
+`for`, `while`, and `do` iteration statements.
+- Scope variables at an appropriate level within an application.
+## Introduction
+It's common for developers to begin a project by developing the features that
+import or generate application data. Once your application has access to the
+data it depends on, you can begin developing the features that process data and
+generate reports.
+Suppose you're a developer who likes to support the local community. You and
+some of your friends started a business that helps find new homes for stray or
+abandoned cats and dogs. Your business started off small, with just a couple of
+strays, but it's starting to grow. You want to create an application that will
+help you match the animals in your care with people looking for a pet. You've
+found that it's important to have a detailed description of the animals to
+share with potential owners. In addition, being able to describe the
+personality of the dog or cat makes them more appealing to potential owners.
+You decide to create an application that helps you manage information about the
+dogs and cats you're caring for.
+This module guides you through the process of developing the data-centric
+features of the Contoso Pets application. You'll use selection and iteration
+statements to create sample data, list the animals in your care, and add new
+animals to your business. Throughout the application, you'll use variables and
+expressions to control the execution of code branches. You will also ensure
+that variables are scoped appropriately.
+The application you develop will:
+- Add predefined sample data to the pets array.
+- Iterate a "menu options and user selection" code block to establish the outer
+loop of your application.
+- Implement code branches corresponding to the user's menu selections.
+- Display all the information contained in the array used to store pet data
+(based on user's menu selection).
+- Iterate an "add new animal information" code block that enables the user to
+add one or more new animals to the pets array (based on user's menu selection).
+By the end of this module, you will be able to develop code that combines
+selection and iteration statements to achieve your application design goals.
+> Note
+> This is a guided project module where you’ll complete an end-to-end project
+by following step-by-step instructions.
+### Learning Objectives
+In this module, you'll practice how to:
+- Develop a C# console application that uses a combination of selection and
+iteration statements to implement logical workflows.
+- Evaluate the underlying conditions in your application and make an informed
+decision between selection statement options.
+- Scope variables at an appropriate level within an application.
+## Prepare
+In this guided project, you'll develop the initial version of a C# application.
+Your application will use boolean expressions, selection statements, and
+iteration statements to implement the features of a design specification. As you develop the application, you'll need to scope variables at the appropriate level.
+### Project overview
+You're working on the Contoso Pets application, an application that helps place
+pets in new homes. The specifications for your application are:
+- Create a C# console application.
+- Store application data in a multidimensional string array named
+- The `ourAnimals` array includes the following "pet characteristics" for each
+ - Pet ID #.
+ - Pet species (cat or dog).
+ - Pet age (years).
+ - A description of the pet's physical condition/characteristics.
+ - A description of the pet's personality.
+ - The pet's nickname.
+- Implement a sample dataset that represents dogs and cats currently in your
+- Display menu options to access the main features of the application.
+- The main features enable the following tasks:
+ - List the pet information for all animals in the ourAnimals array.
+ - Add new animals to the ourAnimals array. The following conditions apply:
+ - The pet species (dog or cat) must be entered when a new animal is added to the ourAnimals array.
+ - A pet ID must be programmatically generated when a new animal is added to the ourAnimals array.
+ - Some physical characteristics for a pet may be unknown until a veterinarian's examination. For example: age, breed, and neutered/spayed status.
+ - An animal's nickname and personality may be unknown when a pet first arrives.
+- Ensure animal ages and physical descriptions are complete. This may be required after a veterinarian's examination.
+- Ensure animal nicknames and personality descriptions are complete (this action can occur after the team gets to know a pet).
+- Edit an animal’s age (if a pet's birth date is known and the pet has a birthday while in our care).
+- Edit an animal’s personality description (a pet may behave differently after spending more time in our care).
+- Display all cats that meet user specified physical characteristics.
+- Display all dogs that meet user specified physical characteristics.
+An initial version of the application has already been completed. The Starter
+code project for this Guided project module includes a Program.cs file that
+provides the following code features:
+- The code declares variables used to collect and process pet data and menu
+item selections.
+- The code declares the `ourAnimals` array.
+- The code uses a for loop around an `if-elseif-else` construct to populate the
+`ourAnimals` array with a sample dataset.
+- The code displays the following main menu options for user selection:
+ ```txt
+ 1. List all of our current pet information.
+ 2. Assign values to the ourAnimals array fields.
+ 3. Ensure animal ages and physical descriptions are complete.
+ 4. Ensure animal nicknames and personality descriptions are complete.
+ 5. Edit an animal’s age.
+ 6. Edit an animal’s personality description.
+ 7. Display all cats with a specified characteristic.
+ 8. Display all dogs with a specified characteristic.
+ Enter menu item selection or type "Exit" to exit the program
+ ```
+- The code reads the user's menu item selection and displays a message echoing
+their selection.
+Your goal is to develop the features that implement the first two menu options.
+To achieve this goal, you'll complete the following tasks:
+- Update the code that's used to create the sample data for the app.
+- Construct a loop around the main menu and create a selection statement that
+establishes a code branch for each menu option.
+- Write the code to display all ourAnimals array data (menu option 1).
+- Build a loop for entering new ourAnimals array data (menu option 2 - part 1).
+- Write code to read and save new ourAnimals array data (menu option 2 - part 2).
+You'll test your application at each stage of the development process.
+## Setup
+Use the following steps to prepare for the Guided project exercises.
+To download a zip file containing the Starter project code, select the
+following link:
+[Lab Files](https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/Guided-project-branching-looping-CSharp/archive/refs/heads/main.zip).
+Unzip the download files.
+Unzip the files in your development environment. Consider using your PC as your
+development environment so that you have access to your code after completing
+this module. If you aren't using your PC as your development environment, you
+can unzip the files in a sandbox or hosted environment.
+You're now ready to begin the Guided project exercises. Good luck!
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Final/Final.csproj b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Final/Final.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b464a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Final/Final.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Exe
+ net8.0
+ enable
+ enable
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Final/Program.cs b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Final/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e9c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Final/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// the ourAnimals array will store the following:
+string animalSpecies = "";
+string animalID = "";
+string animalAge = "";
+string animalPhysicalDescription = "";
+string animalPersonalityDescription = "";
+string animalNickname = "";
+// variables that support data entry
+int maxPets = 8;
+string? readResult;
+string menuSelection = "";
+// array used to store runtime data, there is no persisted data
+string[,] ourAnimals = new string[maxPets, 6];
+// create some initial ourAnimals array entries
+for (int i = 0; i < maxPets; i++) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ animalSpecies = "dog";
+ animalID = "d1";
+ animalAge = "2";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "medium sized cream colored female golden retriever weighing about 65 pounds. housebroken.";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "loves to have her belly rubbed and likes to chase her tail. gives lots of kisses.";
+ animalNickname = "lola";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ animalSpecies = "dog";
+ animalID = "d2";
+ animalAge = "9";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "large reddish-brown male golden retriever weighing about 85 pounds. housebroken.";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "loves to have his ears rubbed when he greets you at the door, or at any time! loves to lean-in and give doggy hugs.";
+ animalNickname = "loki";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ animalSpecies = "cat";
+ animalID = "c3";
+ animalAge = "1";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "small white female weighing about 8 pounds. litter box trained.";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "friendly";
+ animalNickname = "Puss";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ animalSpecies = "cat";
+ animalID = "c4";
+ animalAge = "?";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "";
+ animalNickname = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ animalSpecies = "";
+ animalID = "";
+ animalAge = "";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "";
+ animalNickname = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ ourAnimals[i, 0] = "ID #: " + animalID;
+ ourAnimals[i, 1] = "Species: " + animalSpecies;
+ ourAnimals[i, 2] = "Age: " + animalAge;
+ ourAnimals[i, 3] = "Nickname: " + animalNickname;
+ ourAnimals[i, 4] = "Physical description: " + animalPhysicalDescription;
+ ourAnimals[i, 5] = "Personality: " + animalPersonalityDescription;
+do {
+ // display the top-level menu options
+ Console.Clear();
+ Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Contoso PetFriends app. Your main menu options are:");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 1. List all of our current pet information");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 2. Add a new animal friend to the ourAnimals array");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 3. Ensure animal ages and physical descriptions are complete");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 4. Ensure animal nicknames and personality descriptions are complete");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 5. Edit an animal’s age");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 6. Edit an animal’s personality description");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 7. Display all cats with a specified characteristic");
+ Console.WriteLine(" 8. Display all dogs with a specified characteristic");
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection number (or type Exit to exit the program)");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ menuSelection = readResult.ToLower();
+ // NOTE: We could put a do statement around the menuSelection entry to
+ // ensure a valid entry, but we use a conditional statement below that
+ // only processes the valid entry values, so the do statement is not
+ // required here.
+ }
+ // use switch-case to process the selected menu option
+ switch (menuSelection) {
+ case "1":
+ // List all of our current pet information
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxPets; i++) {
+ if (ourAnimals[i, 0] != "ID #: ") {
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
+ Console.WriteLine(ourAnimals[i, j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("\n\rPress the Enter key to continue");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ case "2":
+ // Add a new animal friend to the ourAnimals array
+ string anotherPet = "y";
+ int petCount = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxPets; i++) {
+ if (ourAnimals[i, 0] != "ID #: ") {
+ petCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (petCount < maxPets) {
+ Console.WriteLine($"We currently have {petCount} pets that need homes. We can manage {(maxPets - petCount)} more.");
+ }
+ while (anotherPet == "y" && petCount < maxPets) {
+ bool validEntry = false;
+ // get species (cat or dog) - string animalSpecies is a required field
+ do {
+ Console.WriteLine("\n\rEnter 'dog' or 'cat' to begin a new entry");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ animalSpecies = readResult.ToLower();
+ if (animalSpecies != "dog" && animalSpecies != "cat") {
+ //Console.WriteLine($"You entered: {animalSpecies}.");
+ validEntry = false;
+ } else {
+ validEntry = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (validEntry == false);
+ // build the animal the ID number - for example C1, C2, D3 (for Cat 1, Cat 2, Dog 3)
+ animalID = animalSpecies.Substring(0, 1) + (petCount + 1).ToString();
+ // get the pet's age. can be ? at initial entry.
+ do {
+ int petAge;
+ Console.WriteLine("Enter the pet's age or enter ? if unknown");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ animalAge = readResult;
+ if (animalAge != "?") {
+ validEntry = int.TryParse(animalAge, out petAge);
+ } else {
+ validEntry = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (validEntry == false);
+ // get a description of the pet's physical appearance/condition - animalPhysicalDescription can be blank.
+ do {
+ Console.WriteLine("Enter a physical description of the pet (size, color, gender, weight, housebroken)");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ animalPhysicalDescription = readResult.ToLower();
+ if (animalPhysicalDescription == "") {
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "tbd";
+ }
+ }
+ } while (animalPhysicalDescription == "");
+ // get a description of the pet's personality - animalPersonalityDescription can be blank.
+ do {
+ Console.WriteLine("Enter a description of the pet's personality (likes or dislikes, tricks, energy level)");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ animalPersonalityDescription = readResult.ToLower();
+ if (animalPersonalityDescription == "") {
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "tbd";
+ }
+ }
+ } while (animalPersonalityDescription == "");
+ // get the pet's nickname. animalNickname can be blank.
+ do {
+ Console.WriteLine("Enter a nickname for the pet");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ animalNickname = readResult.ToLower();
+ if (animalNickname == "") {
+ animalNickname = "tbd";
+ }
+ }
+ } while (animalNickname == "");
+ // store the pet information in the ourAnimals array (zero based)
+ ourAnimals[petCount, 0] = "ID #: " + animalID;
+ ourAnimals[petCount, 1] = "Species: " + animalSpecies;
+ ourAnimals[petCount, 2] = "Age: " + animalAge;
+ ourAnimals[petCount, 3] = "Nickname: " + animalNickname;
+ ourAnimals[petCount, 4] = "Physical description: " + animalPhysicalDescription;
+ ourAnimals[petCount, 5] = "Personality: " + animalPersonalityDescription;
+ // increment petCount (the array is zero-based, so we increment the counter after adding to the array)
+ petCount = petCount + 1;
+ // check maxPet limit
+ if (petCount < maxPets) {
+ // another pet?
+ Console.WriteLine("Do you want to enter info for another pet (y/n)");
+ do {
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (readResult != null) {
+ anotherPet = readResult.ToLower();
+ }
+ } while (anotherPet != "y" && anotherPet != "n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (petCount >= maxPets) {
+ Console.WriteLine("We have reached our limit on the number of pets that we can manage.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ // Ensure animal ages and physical descriptions are complete
+ Console.WriteLine("Challenge Project - please check back soon to see progress.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ case "4":
+ // Ensure animal nicknames and personality descriptions are complete
+ Console.WriteLine("Challenge Project - please check back soon to see progress.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ case "5":
+ // Edit an animal’s age");
+ Console.WriteLine("UNDER CONSTRUCTION - please check back next month to see progress.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ case "6":
+ // Edit an animal’s personality description");
+ Console.WriteLine("UNDER CONSTRUCTION - please check back next month to see progress.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ case "7":
+ // Display all cats with a specified characteristic
+ Console.WriteLine("UNDER CONSTRUCTION - please check back next month to see progress.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ case "8":
+ // Display all dogs with a specified characteristic
+ Console.WriteLine("UNDER CONSTRUCTION - please check back next month to see progress.");
+ Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
+ readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+} while (menuSelection != "exit");
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Own/Own.csproj b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Own/Own.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2150e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Own/Own.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Exe
+ net8.0
+ enable
+ enable
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Own/Program.cs b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Own/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40d31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Own/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+int max_pets = 8;
+//string? read_input;
+//string menu_selection = "";
+string[] description = {
+ "medium sized cream colored female golden retriever weighing about 65" +
+ "pounds. housebroken.",
+ "large reddish-brown male golden retriever weighing about 85 pounds. " +
+ "housebroken.",
+ "small white female weighing about 8 pounds. litter box trained.",
+ "translucid at sun.",
+string[] personality = {
+ "friendly",
+ "loves to have his ears rubbed at any time! loves to lean-in.",
+ "loves to have her belly rubbed. gives lots of kisses.",
+ "sauvage and lovelly.",
+string[] nickname = { "lola", "loki", "fuzz", "boby", "gogo", "besti" };
+string[] species = { "cat", "dog", "bee", "pig" };
+string[] abcd = { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
+int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
+Random rand = new Random();
+// array used to store runtime data, there is no persisted data
+string[,] our_animals = new string[max_pets, 6];
+string rand_str(string[] choices) {
+ int indx = rand.Next(choices.Length);
+ return choices[indx];
+int rand_int(int[] choices) {
+ int indx = rand.Next(choices.Length);
+ return choices[indx];
+for (int i = 0; i < max_pets - 4; i++) {
+ bool uniq_id = false;
+ our_animals[i, 0] = rand_str(species);
+ while (!uniq_id) {
+ bool check = true;
+ string id = $"{rand_str(abcd)}{rand_int(nums)}";
+ for (int j = 0; j < max_pets - 4; j++) {
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(our_animals[j, 1]) && our_animals[j, 1] == id) {
+ uniq_id = false;
+ check = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (check) {
+ our_animals[i, 1] = id;
+ uniq_id = true;
+ }
+ }
+ our_animals[i, 2] = rand_str(description);
+ our_animals[i, 3] = $"{rand_int(nums)}";
+ our_animals[i, 4] = rand_str(personality);
+ our_animals[i, 5] = rand_str(nickname);
+void print_pets() {
+ for (int j = 0; j < max_pets; j++) {
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(our_animals[j, 1])) {
+ Console.Write(our_animals[j, 1] + ": ");
+ Console.Write(our_animals[j, 0] + " - ");
+ Console.Write(our_animals[j, 5] + " - ");
+ int age = Int32.Parse(our_animals[j,3].ToString());
+ string year_word = age > 1 ? "years" : "year";
+ Console.WriteLine(our_animals[j, 3] + $" {year_word}");
+ Console.WriteLine(our_animals[j, 2]);
+ Console.WriteLine(our_animals[j, 4]+"\n");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Starter/Program.cs b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Starter/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43da229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Starter/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// the ourAnimals array will store the following:
+string animalSpecies = "";
+string animalID = "";
+string animalAge = "";
+string animalPhysicalDescription = "";
+string animalPersonalityDescription = "";
+string animalNickname = "";
+// variables that support data entry
+int maxPets = 8;
+string? readResult;
+string menuSelection = "";
+// array used to store runtime data, there is no persisted data
+string[,] ourAnimals = new string[maxPets, 6];
+// TODO: Convert the if-elseif-else construct to a switch statement
+// create some initial ourAnimals array entries
+for (int i = 0; i < maxPets; i++) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ animalSpecies = "dog";
+ animalID = "d1";
+ animalAge = "2";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "medium sized cream colored female golden retriever weighing about 65 pounds. housebroken.";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "loves to have her belly rubbed and likes to chase her tail. gives lots of kisses.";
+ animalNickname = "lola";
+ } else if (i == 1) {
+ animalSpecies = "dog";
+ animalID = "d2";
+ animalAge = "9";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "large reddish-brown male golden retriever weighing about 85 pounds. housebroken.";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "loves to have his ears rubbed when he greets you at the door, or at any time! loves to lean-in and give doggy hugs.";
+ animalNickname = "loki";
+ } else if (i == 2) {
+ animalSpecies = "cat";
+ animalID = "c3";
+ animalAge = "1";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "small white female weighing about 8 pounds. litter box trained.";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "friendly";
+ animalNickname = "Puss";
+ } else if (i == 3) {
+ animalSpecies = "cat";
+ animalID = "c4";
+ animalAge = "?";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "";
+ animalNickname = "";
+ } else {
+ animalSpecies = "";
+ animalID = "";
+ animalAge = "";
+ animalPhysicalDescription = "";
+ animalPersonalityDescription = "";
+ animalNickname = "";
+ }
+ ourAnimals[i, 0] = "ID #: " + animalID;
+ ourAnimals[i, 1] = "Species: " + animalSpecies;
+ ourAnimals[i, 2] = "Age: " + animalAge;
+ ourAnimals[i, 3] = "Nickname: " + animalNickname;
+ ourAnimals[i, 4] = "Physical description: " + animalPhysicalDescription;
+ ourAnimals[i, 5] = "Personality: " + animalPersonalityDescription;
+// display the top-level menu options
+Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Contoso PetFriends app. Your main menu options are:");
+Console.WriteLine(" 1. List all of our current pet information");
+Console.WriteLine(" 2. Add a new animal friend to the ourAnimals array");
+Console.WriteLine(" 3. Ensure animal ages and physical descriptions are complete");
+Console.WriteLine(" 4. Ensure animal nicknames and personality descriptions are complete");
+Console.WriteLine(" 5. Edit an animal’s age");
+Console.WriteLine(" 6. Edit an animal’s personality description");
+Console.WriteLine(" 7. Display all cats with a specified characteristic");
+Console.WriteLine(" 8. Display all dogs with a specified characteristic");
+Console.WriteLine("Enter your selection number (or type Exit to exit the program)");
+readResult = Console.ReadLine();
+if (readResult != null) {
+ menuSelection = readResult.ToLower();
+Console.WriteLine($"You selected menu option {menuSelection}.");
+Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue");
+// pause code execution
+readResult = Console.ReadLine();
diff --git a/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Starter/Starter.csproj b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Starter/Starter.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b464a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/018_Conditional_branching_and_looping/GuidedProject/Starter/Starter.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Exe
+ net8.0
+ enable
+ enable