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ipvg 2024-07-21 20:49:15 -04:00
parent b5daaec781
commit 3d7791fbec
13 changed files with 1003 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -500,5 +500,3 @@ for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
Console.WriteLine($"{i} {output}");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
# do-while and while
## Introduction
As we've said several times in previous modules featuring iteration and
decision statements, there are several techniques you can use to accomplish
similar results. Just like written and spoken languages, in programming
languages you can express the same idea in different ways. Even so, each
expression may have a nuanced difference in meaning.
The `do-while` and `while` statements allow us to control the flow of code
execution by looping through a block of code until a condition is met. When
working with the `foreach` statement, we iterate once for each item in sequence,
such as an array. The `for` statement allows us to iterate a pre-determined
number of times, and control the process of iteration. The `do-while` and
`while` statements allow us to iterate through a block of code with the intent
that the logic inside of the code block will affect when we can stop iterating.
Suppose you want to accept and process user input. You want to continue
accepting and processing input until the user presses the `q` key for "quit".
You can use the `do-while` and the `while` statements to keep iterating
through the logic to accept user input and process it until the user is ready
to stop.
In this module, you'll use the `do-while` statement and the `while` statement
to iterate through code block. You'll understand when to choose one over the
other. You'll use the continue statement to skip processing the remainder of
code in the code block and go directly to the Boolean evaluation of the `while`
By the end of this module, you will be able to confidently use the `do-while`
and `while` statements to add looping logic to your application.
### Learning objectives
In this module, you will:
- Write code that uses the `do-while` statement to iterate through a code block.
- Write code that uses the `while` statement to iterate through a code block.
- Use the `continue` statement to step directly to the Boolean evaluation.
#### Prerequisites:
- Experience using the `if` statement
- Experience using `foreach` and `for` iteration statements.
- Experience writing Boolean expressions
- Experience generating random numbers using the `System.Random` class and the
`Random.Next()` method
## Exercise
### Create do and while iteration loops
On the surface, the `do-while` and `while` statements are yet another
iteration statement that allows you to iterate through a code block and
thereby change the flow of execution of your code. However, once we examine
how each works, we can better identify the nuances of each iteration statement
and when to use them.
### What is the do-while statement?
The `do-while` statement executes a statement or a block of statements while a
specified Boolean expression evaluates to true. Because that expression is
evaluated after each execution of the loop, a do-while loop executes one or
more times.
do {
// This code executes at least one time
} while (true);
The flow of execution starts inside of the curly brace. The code executes at
least one time, then the Boolean expression next to the `while` keyword is
evaluated. If the Boolean expression returns `true`, the code block is executed
By hard coding the Boolean expression to `true`, we've created an infinite
loop (a loop that will never end, at least, not as it's currently written). We
would need a way to break out of the loop inside of the code block. We'll
discuss the exit criteria of a `do-while` in a bit.
Okay, now let's prepare our coding environment and begin our examination of
code samples that implement a `do-while statement.
#### Prepare your coding environment
At the Terminal command prompt, to create a new console application in a
specified folder, type dotnet `new console -o ./path_to/TestProject` and then
press Enter.
### Write a do-while statement to break when a certain random number is generated
Let's write code that will keep generating random numbers between 1 and 10
until we generate the number 7. It could take just one iteration to get a 7,
or it could take dozens of iterations.
Type the following code into the code editor.
Random random = new Random();
int current = 0;
do {
current = random.Next(1, 11);
} while (current != 7);
At the Terminal command prompt, to run your code, type `dotnet run` and then
press Enter.
Review your output.
Since the numbers generated are random, your results will be different. However,
the value `7` will be the last number to be printed as the Boolean expression
will evaluate to `false` when 7 is generated and the flow of execution will
exit the code block.
Take a minute to review your code.
A key learning for this first task is that the code block of a `do-while` loop
will execute at least once. It could iterate a large number of times, and it
is unlikely that we know ahead of time how many iterations there will be.
It's also important to notice that the code inside of the code block is
influencing whether to continue iterating through the code block or not. A
code block that influences the exit criteria is a primary reason to select a
`do-while` or `while` statements rather than one of the other iteration
statements. Both the `foreach` and `for` rely on factors that are external to
the code block to determine the number of code block iterations.
#### Write a while statement that iterates only while a random number is greater than some value
Now let's take a look at the `while` statement.
Update your code as follows:
Random random = new Random();
int current = random.Next(1, 11);
do {
current = random.Next(1, 11);
} while (current != 7);
while (current >= 3) {
current = random.Next(1, 11);
Console.WriteLine($"Last number: {current}");
> Note
> In this case, we position the while keyword and the Boolean expression
before the code block. This changes the meaning of the code and acts as a
"gate" to only allow the flow of execution to enter if the Boolean expression
evaluates to true.
Save your code file, and then run your code.
Enter `dotnet run` from the Terminal command prompt to run your code.
Review the output values listed.
Since the numbers are random, so your code will produce a different sequence.
Last number: 1
Take a minute to review your code.
At the top code, we use `random` to initialize our `int` variable named
`current`. Our next active code line is our `while` statement.
Our `while` statement will iterate based on the Boolean expression
`(current >= 3)`. We don't know what value will be assigned to current, but
there are possibilities that affect our while loop:
- If `current` is initialized to a value greater than or equal to `3`, then the
Boolean expression will return `true`, and the flow of execution will enter
the code block. Inside the code block, the first thing that we do is write the
value of `current` to the console. Next, still inside the code block, we
update the value of `current` with a new random value. At this point, control
goes back to the top of the `while` statement where the Boolean expression is
evaluated. This process continues until the Boolean expression returns `false`
and the flow of execution breaks from the code block.
- If `current` is initialized (at the top of our code) to a value less than `3`,
then the Boolean expression will return `false`, and the code block will never
The final code line writes the value of `current` to the console. This code
runs whether the iteration code block was executed or not, and is our chance
to write the final value of `current` to the console.
#### Use the continue statement to step directly to the Boolean expression
In certain cases, we want to short-circuit the remainder of the code in the
code block and `continue` to the next iteration. We can do that using the
continue statement.
Update your code as follows:
Random random = new Random();
int current = random.Next(1, 11);
do {
current = random.Next(1, 11);
if (current >= 8) continue;
} while (current != 7);
while (current >= 3) {
current = random.Next(1, 11);
Console.WriteLine($"Last number: {current}");
Take a minute to review your code.
Notice that we've switched back to a `do-while`. A `do-while` ensures that the
loop will iterate at least once.
The first thing that we do inside the code block is to assign a new random
value to `current`. Next, we check to see if `current` is greater than or
equal to `8`. If this expression returns `true`, the `continue` key word will
transfer control to the end of the code block and the `while` will evaluate
`(current != 7)`. So, the loop will continue to iterate as long as the value
of `current` is not equal to `7`.
The key to this step of the exercise is the line of code containing the
`continue` key word:
if (current >= 8) continue;
Since our code that writes the value of `current` to the console is located
after the `if (current >= 8) continue;`, our code ensures that a value of
`current` that is greater than or equal to `8` will never be written to the
output window.
Let's try it out.
Save your code file, and then run your code.
Enter `dotnet run` from the Terminal command prompt to run your code.
Review the output values listed.
You'll likely see different results than what is displayed below. However, you
will not see any values `8` or greater in the output window before the code's
execution ends with the value `7`.
Consider the difference between the `continue` and `break` statements.
As you saw in this last step, the `continue` statement transfers execution to
the end of the current iteration. This behavior is different than the behavior
we saw with the `break` statement. The break statement terminates the
iteration (or `switch`) and transfers control to the statement that follows
the terminated statement. If there is no statement after the terminated
statement, then control transfers to the end of the file or method.
### Recap
There's a few important ideas you should take away from this unit:
- The `do-while` statement iterates through a code block at least once, and
might continue to iterate based on a Boolean expression. The evaluation of the
Boolean expression usually depends on some value generated or retrieved inside
of the code block.
- The `while` statement evaluates a Boolean expression first, and continues to
iterate through the code block as long as the Boolean expression evaluates to
- The `continue` keyword to step immediately to the Boolean expression.
## Exercise
### Complete a challenge activity using do and while iteration statements
Code challenges reinforce what you learned and help you gain some confidence
before continuing on.
### Role playing game battle challenge
In some role playing games, the player's character battles non-player
characters, which are usually monsters or the "bad guys". Sometimes, a battle
consists of each character generating a random value using dice and that value
is subtracted from the opponent's health score. Once either character's health
reaches zero, they lose the game.
In this challenge, we boil down that interaction to its essence. A hero and a
monster start with the same health score. During the hero's turn, they
generate a random value that is subtracted from the monster's health. If the
monster's health is greater than zero, they take their turn and attack the hero.
As long as both the hero and the monster have health greater than zero, the
battle resumes.
### Code challenge - write code to implement the game rules
Here are the rules for the battle game that you need to implement in your code
- You must use either the `do-while` statement or the `while` statement as an
outer game loop.
- The hero and the monster start with 10 health points.
- All attacks are a value between 1 and 10.
- The hero attacks first.
- Print the amount of health the monster lost and their remaining health.
- If the monster's health is greater than 0, it can attack the hero.
- Print the amount of health the hero lost and their remaining health.
- Continue this sequence of attacking until either the monster's health or
hero's health is zero or less.
- Print the winner.
Write your game code that implements each rule.
Run your application and verify that your output meets the requirements.
No matter how you do it, your code should produce a similar output:
Monster was damaged and lost 1 health and now has 9 health.
Hero was damaged and lost 1 health and now has 9 health.
Monster was damaged and lost 7 health and now has 2 health.
Hero was damaged and lost 6 health and now has 3 health.
Monster was damaged and lost 9 health and now has -7 health.
Hero wins!
Since the code uses random numbers and the outcome is different each time,
your results are different than the output displayed above. However, you can
use this as an example of the output your code should generate.
const int max_health = 10;
int hero = max_health;
int monster = max_health;
string turn = "Hero";
Random random = new Random();
do {
if (turn == "Hero") {
int attack = random.Next(1,11);
monster -= attack;
monster = monster < 0 ? 0 : monster;
Console.Write($@"Monster was damaged and lost {attack} health");
Console.WriteLine($@" and now has {monster} health");
turn = "Monster";
} else {
int attack = random.Next(1,11);
hero -= attack;
hero = hero < 0 ? 0 : hero;
Console.Write($@"Hero was damaged and lost {attack} health");
Console.WriteLine($@" and now has {hero} health");
turn = "Hero";
} while (hero > 0 && monster > 0);
Console.WriteLine(hero > monster ? "Hero wins!" : "Monster wins!");
## Exercise
### Complete a challenge activity to differentiate between do and while iteration statements
Code challenges will reinforce what you've learned and help you gain some
confidence before continuing on.
### Examine the difference between do and while statement iterations
As you have seen, C# supports four types of iteration statements: `for`,
`foreach`, `do-while`, and `while`. Microsoft's language reference
documentation describes these statements as follows:
- The `for` statement: executes its body while a specified Boolean expression
(the 'condition') evaluates to true.
- The `foreach` statement: enumerates the elements of a collection and
executes its body for each element of the collection.
- The `do-while` statement: conditionally executes its body one or more
- The `while` statement: conditionally executes its body zero or more
The `for` and `foreach` iterations seem to be clearly differentiated from each
other and from the `do-while` and `while` iterations. The definitions for the
`do-while` and `while` statements, however, appear to be quite similar.
Knowing when to choose between a `do-while` and a `while` seems more arbitrary,
and can even be a bit confusing. Some challenge projects may help to make the
differences clear.
In this challenge, you'll be presented with conditions for three separate
coding projects. Each project will require you to implement an iteration code
block using either a `do-while` or a `while` statement. You'll need to evaluate
the specified conditions in order to choose between the `do-while` and `while`
statements. You can switch after you start if your first choice isn't working
out as well as you had hoped.
> Note
> The conditions for your coding project can be used to help you select
between the `do`-while and `while` statements. What you know, or don't know,
about the Boolean expression that will be evaluated can sometimes help you to
select between the `do-while` and `while` statements. In this challenge
exercise, the project conditions include information that will be used to
construct the Boolean expression.
### Manage user input during this challenge
When using a `Console.ReadLine()` statement to obtain user input, it's common
practice to use a nullable type string (designated `string?`) for the input
variable and then evaluate the value entered by the user. The following code
sample uses a nullable type string to capture user input. The iteration
continues while the user-supplied value is null:
string? readResult;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string:");
do {
readResult = Console.ReadLine();
} while (readResult == null);
The Boolean expression evaluated by the `while` statement can be used to
ensure user input meets a specified requirement. For example, if a prompt asks
the user to enter a string that includes at least three characters, the
following code could be used:
string? readResult;
bool validEntry = false;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string containing at least three characters:");
do {
readResult = Console.ReadLine();
if (readResult != null) {
if (readResult.Length >= 3) {
validEntry = true;
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Your input is invalid, please try again.");
} while (validEntry == false);
If you want to use `Console.ReadLine()` input for numeric values, you need to
convert the string value to a numeric type.
The `int.TryParse()` method can be used to convert a string value to an integer.
The method uses two parameters, a string that will be evaluated and the name
of an integer variable that will be assigned a value. The method returns a
Boolean value. The following code sample demonstrates using the `int.TryParse()`
// capture user input in a string variable named readResult
int numericValue = 0;
bool validNumber = false;
validNumber = int.TryParse(readResult, out numericValue);
If the string value assigned to `readResult` represents a valid integer, the
value will be assigned to the integer variable named `numericValue`, and `true`
will be assigned to the Boolean variable named `validNumber`. If the value
assigned to `readResult` doesn't represent a valid integer, `validNumber` will
be assigned a value of `false`. For example, if `readResult` is equal to "7",
the value 7 will be assigned to numericValue.
### Code project 1 - write code that validates integer input
Here are the conditions that your first coding project must implement:
- Your solution must include either a `do-while` or `while` iteration.
- Before the iteration block: your solution must use a `Console.WriteLine()`
statement to prompt the user for an integer value between 5 and 10.
- Inside the iteration block:
- Your solution must use a `Console.ReadLine()` statement to obtain input
from the user.
- Your solution must ensure that the input is a valid representation of an
- If the integer value isn't between 5 and 10, your code must use a
`Console.WriteLine()` statement to prompt the user for an integer value
between 5 and 10.
- Your solution must ensure that the integer value is between 5 and 10
before exiting the iteration.
Below (after) the iteration code block: your solution must use a
`Console.WriteLine()` statement to inform the user that their input value has
been accepted.
Write the code that implements each condition for code project 1.
Run your application and verify that your code validates user input based on
the specified requirements.
For example, when you run your application, it should reject input values such
as "two" and "2", but it should accept an input value of "7".
The example described above, the console output should look similar to the
Enter an integer value between 5 and 10
Sorry, you entered an invalid number, please try again
You entered 2. Please enter a number between 5 and 10.
Your input value (7) has been accepted.
### Code project 2 - write code that validates string input
Here are the conditions that your second coding project must implement:
- Your solution must include either a `do-while` or `while` iteration.
- Before the iteration block: your solution must use a `Console.WriteLine()`
statement to prompt the user for one of three role names: Administrator,
Manager, or User.
- Inside the iteration block:
- Your solution must use a `Console.ReadLine()` statement to obtain input
from the user.
- Your solution must ensure that the value entered matches one of the three
role options.
- Your solution should use the `Trim()` method on the input value to ignore
leading and trailing space characters.
- Your solution should use the `ToLower()` method on the input value to
ignore case.
- If the value entered isn't a match for one of the role options, your code
must use a `Console.WriteLine()` statement to prompt the user for a valid
- Below (after) the iteration code block: Your solution must use a
`Console.WriteLine()` statement to inform the user that their input value has
been accepted.
- Write the code that implements each condition for code project 2.
Run your application and verify that your code validates user input based on
the specified requirements.
For example, when you run your application, it should reject an input value
such as "Admin", but it should accept an input value of " administrator ".
The console output for this example should look similar to the following:
Enter your role name (Administrator, Manager, or User)
The role name that you entered, "Admin" is not valid. Enter your role name (Administrator, Manager, or User)
Your input value (Administrator) has been accepted.
### Code project 3 - Write code that processes the contents of a string array
Here are the conditions that your third coding project must implement:
- Your solution must use the following string array to represent the input to
your coding logic:
string[] myStrings = new string[2] { "I like pizza. I like roast chicken. I like salad", "I like all three of the menu choices" };
- Your solution must declare an integer variable named `periodLocation` that
can be used to hold the location of the period character within a string.
- Your solution must include an outer `foreach` or `for` loop that can be used
to process each string element in the array. The string variable that you'll
process inside the loops should be named `myString`.
- In the outer loop, your solution must use the `IndexOf()` method of the
`String` class to get the location of the first period character in the
`myString` variable. The method call should be similar to:
`myString.IndexOf(".")`. If there's no period character in the string, a value
of -1 will be returned.
- Your solution must include an inner `do-while` or `while` loop that can be
used to process the `myString` variable.
- In the inner loop, your solution must extract and display (write to the
console) each sentence that is contained in each of the strings that are
- In the inner loop, your solution must not display the period character.
- In the inner loop, your solution must use the `Remove()`, `Substring()`, and
`TrimStart()` methods to process the string information.
Write the code that implements each condition listed for code project 3.
Run your application and verify that your output meets the requirements.
If your code logic works correctly, your output should look similar to the
I like pizza
I like roast chicken
I like salad
I like all three of the menu choices
### Project 1 solution
string? read_input;
int input = 0;
bool valid = false;
Console.Write("Enter a value between 5 and 10: ");
do {
read_input = Console.ReadLine();
valid = int.TryParse(read_input, out input);
if (valid && input >= 5 && input <= 10){
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({input}) has been accepted.");
} else if(!valid) {
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you entered an invalid number, please try again");
} else {
Console.WriteLine($"You entered {input}. Please enter a number between 5 and 10.");
valid = !valid;
} while (!valid);
### Project 2 solution
string? read_input;
string user_rol = "";
bool done = false;
string out_msg = "Enter your role name (Administrator, Manager, or User)";
do {
read_input = Console.ReadLine();
if (read_input != null && read_input.Length > 3){
user_rol = read_input.ToLower().Trim();
switch (user_rol) {
case "administrator":
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({read_input}) has been accepted");
done = true;
case "manager":
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({read_input}) has been accepted");
done = true;
case "user":
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({read_input}) has been accepted");
done = true;
Console.Write("The role name that you entered, ");
Console.WriteLine($"\"{read_input}\" is not valid. {out_msg}");
} while (!done);
### Project 3 solution
string[] likes = new string[2] {
"I like pizza. I like roast chicken. I like salad",
"I like all three of the menu choices"
int period_location;
foreach (string phrase in likes){
period_location = phrase.IndexOf(".");
string new_phrase = phrase;
while (period_location > 0){
Console.WriteLine(new_phrase.Substring(0, period_location));
new_phrase = new_phrase.Remove(0, period_location);
new_phrase = new_phrase.Remove(0, 1).TrimStart();
period_location = new_phrase.IndexOf(".");
## Summary
Your goal was to use the `do-while` and `while` statements to perform
iterations. The `do-while` and `while` statements are unique because the body
of the code block determines whether the flow of execution should continue or
Using the `do-while` statement, you executed a block of code once before
evaluating a Boolean expression and potentially exiting the iteration. Using
the `while` statement, you performed the evaluation of the Boolean expression
immediately, and continued to evaluate it to exit the iteration. You used the
`continue` statement within the code block to step directly to the Boolean
You developed a practical application that uses the `do-while` and `continue`
statements to simulate a battle in a role playing game. Real-world scenarios
involving the `do-while` and `while` iteration statements involve working with
streams of data from files, from the internet, or any other scenario where
you'll continue to perform an iteration until a condition is met.
Without `do-while` and `while` iteration statements, it would be difficult to
write and maintain iteration code that sets the exit condition within the
iteration code block.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
const int max_health = 10;
int hero = max_health;
int monster = max_health;
string turn = "Hero";
Random random = new Random();
do {
if (turn == "Hero") {
int attack = random.Next(1,11);
monster -= attack;
monster = monster < 0 ? 0 : monster;
Console.Write($@"Monster was damaged and lost {attack} health");
Console.WriteLine($@" and now has {monster} health");
turn = "Monster";
} else {
int attack = random.Next(1,11);
hero -= attack;
hero = hero < 0 ? 0 : hero;
Console.Write($@"Hero was damaged and lost {attack} health");
Console.WriteLine($@" and now has {hero} health");
turn = "Hero";
} while (hero > 0 && monster > 0);
Console.WriteLine(hero > monster ? "Hero wins!" : "Monster wins!");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
string? read_input;
int input = 0;
bool valid = false;
Console.Write("Enter an integer value between 5 and 10: ");
do {
read_input = Console.ReadLine();
valid = int.TryParse(read_input, out input);
if (valid && input >= 5 && input <= 10){
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({input}) has been accepted.");
} else if(!valid) {
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you entered an invalid number, please try again");
} else {
Console.WriteLine($"You entered {input}. Please enter a number between 5 and 10.");
valid = !valid;
} while (!valid);
// Propoussed Solution
// string? readResult;
// string valueEntered = "";
// int numValue = 0;
// bool validNumber = false;
// Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer value between 5 and 10");
// do {
// readResult = Console.ReadLine();
// if (readResult != null) {
// valueEntered = readResult;
// }
// validNumber = int.TryParse(valueEntered, out numValue);
// if (validNumber == true) {
// if (numValue <= 5 || numValue >= 10) {
// validNumber = false;
// Console.WriteLine($"You entered {numValue}. Please enter a number between 5 and 10.");
// }
// } else {
// Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you entered an invalid number, please try again");
// }
// } while (validNumber == false);
// Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({numValue}) has been accepted.");
// readResult = Console.ReadLine();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
string? read_input;
string user_rol = "";
bool done = false;
string out_msg = "Enter your role name (Administrator, Manager, or User)";
do {
read_input = Console.ReadLine();
if (read_input != null && read_input.Length > 3){
user_rol = read_input.ToLower().Trim();
switch (user_rol) {
case "administrator":
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({read_input}) has been accepted");
done = true;
case "manager":
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({read_input}) has been accepted");
done = true;
case "user":
Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({read_input}) has been accepted");
done = true;
Console.Write("The role name that you entered, ");
Console.WriteLine($"\"{read_input}\" is not valid. {out_msg}");
} while (!done);
// Propoussed Solution
// string? readResult;
// string roleName = "";
// bool validEntry = false;
// do {
// Console.WriteLine("Enter your role name (Administrator, Manager, or User)");
// readResult = Console.ReadLine();
// if (readResult != null) {
// roleName = readResult.Trim();
// }
// if (roleName.ToLower() == "administrator" || roleName.ToLower() == "manager" || roleName.ToLower() == "user") {
// validEntry = true;
// } else {
// Console.Write($"The role name that you entered, \"{roleName}\" is not valid. ");
// }
// } while (validEntry == false);
// Console.WriteLine($"Your input value ({roleName}) has been accepted.");
// readResult = Console.ReadLine();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
string[] likes = new string[2] {
"I like pizza. I like roast chicken. I like salad",
"I like all three of the menu choices"
int period_location;
foreach (string phrase in likes){
period_location = phrase.IndexOf(".");
string new_phrase = phrase;
while (period_location > 0){
Console.WriteLine(new_phrase.Substring(0, period_location));
new_phrase = new_phrase.Remove(0, period_location);
new_phrase = new_phrase.Remove(0, 1).TrimStart();
period_location = new_phrase.IndexOf(".");
// Propoussed Solution
// string[] myStrings = new string[2] {
// "I like pizza. I like roast chicken. I like salad",
// "I like all three of the menu choices"
// };
// int stringsCount = myStrings.Length;
// string myString = "";
// int periodLocation = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < stringsCount; i++) {
// myString = myStrings[i];
// periodLocation = myString.IndexOf(".");
// string mySentence;
// // extract sentences from each string and display them one at a time
// while (periodLocation != -1) {
// // first sentence is the string value to the left of the period location
// mySentence = myString.Remove(periodLocation);
// // the remainder of myString is the string value to the right of the location
// myString = myString.Substring(periodLocation + 1);
// // remove any leading white-space from myString
// myString = myString.TrimStart();
// // update the comma location and increment the counter
// periodLocation = myString.IndexOf(".");
// Console.WriteLine(mySentence);
// }
// mySentence = myString.Trim();
// Console.WriteLine(mySentence);
// }

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string? readResult;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string:");
do {
readResult = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
} while (readResult == null);
string? readResult2;
bool validEntry = false;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string containing at least three characters:");
do {
readResult2 = Console.ReadLine();
if (readResult2 != null) {
if (readResult2.Length >= 3) {
validEntry = true;
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Your input is invalid, please try again.");
} while (validEntry == false);
// capture user input in a string variable named readResult
int numericValue = 0;
bool validNumber = false;
validNumber = int.TryParse(readResult2, out numericValue);
Console.WriteLine($"valid num: {validNumber}");

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@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ Following
- [Evaluate Boolean expressions](/013_eval_boolean_expressions/
- [Control variable scope and logic](/014_scope_and_logic/
- [switch case construct](./015_switch_case/
- [switch case construct](/016_Iterate_using_for_statement/
- [FizzBuzz Challenge](./016_Iterate_using_for_statement/
- [Looping logic using the do-while and while](./017_Looping_logic_using_do-while_and_while/