This commit is contained in:
ipvg 2024-08-04 20:39:04 -04:00
parent 39a1140397
commit 66f2b231e7
2 changed files with 350 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -702,3 +702,298 @@ folder code for this exercise.
Type exit, at the app menu, to end the program and then close the terminal
## Exercise
### Add dog search
In this exercise, you add the feature "Display all dogs with a specified
characteristic" (menu item #2) to the application. The exercise uses the
solution project from the previous exercise that added suggestedDonation data.
> Note
> This is a "minimal viable product" (MVP) feature. A MVP feature is intended
to be a simple working prototype of a feature that enables quick and easy
delivery. A MVP is not usually a final product, it is intended to help you work
through an idea, test it, and gather further requirements.
The search feature prompts the user for a single search input term (or phrase)
that describes a characteristic desired in a pet to adopt. Then, the
descriptions for adoptable dogs are searched for exact matches of the user
input. Information about the dogs that match are output to the console. If no
matches are identified, then a message "None of our dogs are a match" is
displayed along with the search term used.
The tasks that you complete during this exercise are:
- Gather user input for the pet characteristic search term
- Loop through the animals array and identify "dogs"
- For each dog, search the pet description for a term match
- Display the dogs that have a term match
#### Gather user input for the pet characteristic search
Review the menu switch statement following comment #5 in the Project.cs code.
You discover the code that displays the "*UNDER CONSTRUCTION*" message.
Delete the code
`Console.WriteLine("\nUNDER CONSTRUCTION - please check back next month to see progress.");`
between `case "2":` and the
`Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");`
statement so the code matches the following sample:
case "2":
// Display all dogs with a specified characteristic
Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
readResult = Console.ReadLine();
Add code to gather user input for the `dogCharacteristic` string. Gather the
input requires a `while` loop that continues to prompt the user until they
submit an input. The loop instructs the user to "*Enter one desired dog
characteristic to search for*". Entering an empty string repeats the loop.
Place the following code following `case "2":` just before the `break;`
statement as shown:
case "2":
// Display all dogs with a specified characteristic
string dogCharacteristic = "";
while (dogCharacteristic == "") {
// have the user enter physical characteristics to search for
Console.WriteLine($"\nEnter one desired dog characteristics to search for");
readResult = Console.ReadLine();
if (readResult != null) {
dogCharacteristic = readResult.ToLower().Trim();
Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to continue.");
readResult = Console.ReadLine();
Review the added code. The main features of the `case "2":` code include:
- The code starts with a string declaration `string dogCharacteristic = "";`
that is scoped to `case "2":`. You won't be able to utilize `dogCharacteristic`
anywhere outside of the case statement code.
- After `Console.ReadLine()` gathers user input as `dogCharacteristic` it
ensures value isn't null, and sets the string to lowercase and trims the
surrounding spaces.
- If `dogCharacteristic` has a null value, then the loop repeats gathering
Save your code, then compile by using `dotnet build` in the TERMINAL (you can
refer to the steps in the previous exercise) and fix any errors.
Run the code by using `dotnet run`.
Test the search term input functionality of the app by entering `2` to select
Menu Option "2" searching.
Press "**Enter**" without entering data at the "*Enter one desired dog
characteristic to search for*" prompt. The program should return to the "Enter
one desired dog characteristics to search for" prompt.
The program should return to the prompt until characters are entered.
At the prompt test search term entry "*golden*". The program should return to
the menu without error.
At the menu, type "Exit" to exit the program.
#### Identify which animals are dogs
Now you add a feature to search using the user input `dogCharacteristic` within
the dog descriptions following the previous code under `case "2"`. But first
you need to identify the dogs.
At the end of `case "2"` code, just before the code
`Console.WriteLine("\n\rPress the Enter key to continue");`, which is before the
`break;`, add the following code:
// #6 loop through the ourAnimals array to search for matching animals
for (int i = 0; i < maxPets; i++) {
if (ourAnimals[i, 1].Contains("dog")) {
// #7 Search combined descriptions and report results
Take a minute to examine the loop added to the end of the `case "2":` code.
The code filters for "dogs" using `ourAnimals[i,1]`, where `animalSpecies` data
is stored. If `animalSpecies` is storing "*dog*" then the code moves into the
brackets of the if statement where the search of the combined descriptions can
Compile your code by using `dotnet build` and fix any errors.
#### Search the combined description information of dogs
The previous code ensures that you search only dog descriptions. Now you need
to search the dog descriptions and output information about matches.
While thinking about the descriptions, you realize there are two descriptions
`animalPhysicalDescription` and `animalPersonalityDescription`. After
consulting, the team decides that a combined description is appropriate for the
> Note
> Some developers refer to the addition of requirements during development as
"scope creep." Although combining the descriptions is not a lot of work, it
still adds time and complexity. For this reason, you should let the team know
that added requirements will likely delay the completion of the project.
#### Combine the dog descriptions to make it easier to search
You need to declare a string, `dogDescription` to hold the combined data that
originated from `animalPhysicalDescription` and `animalPersonalityDescription`.
Declare `dogDescription` just before comment #6 with the following code:
string dogDescription = "";
Now you can use the `dogDescription` string declared you need to populate it
with the two descriptions for each animal
Using the `dogDescription` variable populate it with `animalPhysicalDescription`
and `animalPersonalityDescription`.
Add the following code after comment # 7:
dogDescription = ourAnimals[i, 4] + "\n" + ourAnimals[i, 5];
#### Search the combined descriptions of dogs and display
Now you add the search for `dogCharacteristic` in the combined data of
`dogDescription`. You need to add an if statement to determine if you have a
match for the search for each dog.
Update the code following comment #7, after
`dogDescription = ourAnimals[i, 4] + "\n" + ourAnimals[i, 5];` with the code:
if (dogDescription.Contains(dogCharacteristic)) {
Console.WriteLine($"\nOur dog {ourAnimals[i, 3]} is a match!");
Examine the previous code example, when the if statement finds a match for
`dogCharacteristic` in `dogDescription` a message about the dog match and
description is output to the console. You still need to account for the "no matches found" message.
Add the code `noMatchesDog = true`:
Add the following code just before comment #6:
bool noMatchesDog = true;
Now you can track when no matches are found with this tracking variable. When
the default is set to `true` that means "it's true that no dogs match for the
search." Now, when a dog is found you can "flip" the `noMatchesDog` from `true`
to `false`
In the brackets of the `if (dogDescription.Contains(dogCharacteristic))`
statement, add the following code:
noMatchesDog = false;
Review that your code within the brackets of
`if (dogDescription.Contains(dogCharacteristic))` was entered properly.
You should have the following code:
if (dogDescription.Contains(dogCharacteristic)) {
Console.WriteLine($"\nOur dog {ourAnimals[i, 3]} is a match!");
noMatchesDog = false;
Finally, you need to create code that decides if the "no matches found" message
should be written to the console.
At the end of `case "2"` code, just before the code
`Console.WriteLine("\n\rPress the Enter key to continue");`,which is before the
`break;`, add the following code:
if (noMatchesDog) {
Console.WriteLine("None of our dogs are a match found for: " + dogCharacteristic);
That's the the final code for this exercise!
Save your changes.
#### Check your work
At the TERMINAL command prompt, to build your project code, enter the following
command: `dotnet build`.
If there are errors you need read the error messages, trouble shoot and make
fixes or review the solution code in the "Final" folder.
Run your project code in the terminal with `dotnet run`.
When the code runs two menu items are displayed.
At the menu, enter "`2`" and "Enter" to test the dog search repeatedly.
- Enter nothing as input to test the null entry behavior
- Enter "scuba" as input to test the "match not found"
- Enter "golden" to get two matches
- Enter "medium" to get one match
If everything worked as expected in both steps, congratulations! Otherwise,
look for the errors by checking the exercise steps. If needed, start over or
check the Final folder code for solution code to this exercise.
Type `exit`, at the app menu, to end the program and then close the terminal
### Summary
You updated the pet adoption application in this guided project to support
single term search functionality, improve readability of output, and add a
suggested donation to descriptions.
In this module, you practiced your ability to:
- Apply iteration statements to gather data input.
- Use data processing.
- Format data output.
- Choose the correct data types and safely converting data types.
- Create two dimensional arrays of numbers and strings.
- Search data in arrays to display or update data.
- Modify and build complex strings from multiple data sources, and format data
for display across regions.
You delivered functionality to your Contos pet app team, including:
- Gather the pet characteristic search term input.
- Iterate through the animals array and identify "dogs."
- Search the description for a term match, for each dog.
- Display the dogs that have a term match.
- Provide suggested donation data formatted in local currency.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
int max_pets = 8;
const int max_pets = 8;
bool exit = false;
string? selection;
const string WIP = "Under Construction - please check " +
@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ string[] options = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "exit" };
string[] nickname = { "lola", "loki", "fuzz", "boby", "gogo", "besti" };
string[] species = { "cat", "dog", "bee", "pig", "fly", "rat", "bat" };
string[] abcd = { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
decimal[] donations = { 85.00M, 49.99M, 40.00M, 45.00M };
int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
string[,] our_animals = new string[max_pets, 6];
string[,] our_animals = new string[max_pets, 7];
Random rand = new Random();
var clear = Console.Clear;
@ -60,6 +61,11 @@ int rand_int(int[] choices) {
return choices[indx];
decimal rand_dec(decimal[] choices) {
int indx = rand.Next(choices.Length);
return choices[indx];
string get_uniq_id(string[,] animals) {
for (int i = 0; i < max_pets - 4; i++) {
bool uniq_id = false;
@ -90,6 +96,7 @@ void populate_animals_array() {
our_animals[i, 3] = $"{rand_int(nums)}";
our_animals[i, 4] = rand_str(personality);
our_animals[i, 5] = rand_str(nickname);
our_animals[i, 6] = $"{rand_dec(donations):C2}";
@ -100,9 +107,11 @@ void press_enter(string msg = "\n\tPress 'Enter' to continue") {
void print_pets(string[,] animals) {
int outher_length = animals.GetLength(0);
int inner_length = animals.GetLength(1);
for (int j = 0; j < animals.GetLength(0); j++) {
string[] animal = new string[6];
for (int j = 0; j < outher_length; j++) {
string[] animal = new string[inner_length];
for (int k = 0; k < animals.GetLength(1); k++) {
animal[k] = animals[j, k];
@ -120,10 +129,12 @@ void print_pet(string[] pet) {
string year_word = age > 1 ? "years" : "year";
string desc = pet[2];
string perso = pet[4];
string donation = pet[6];
print($@" ID: {id} SPECIE: {specie}
NAME: {name} AGE: {age} {year_word}
@ -140,7 +151,8 @@ int availability(string[,] animals) {
string get_input(string text = "Please enter your text: ",
bool integer = false,
bool is_integer = false,
bool is_money = false,
string[]? opts = null) {
bool invalid = true;
while (invalid) {
@ -148,11 +160,17 @@ string get_input(string text = "Please enter your text: ",
string? usr_in = Console.ReadLine();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(usr_in) && usr_in.Trim() != "") {
string resp = usr_in.Trim();
if (integer) {
if (is_integer) {
int temp_int;
if (int.TryParse(resp, out temp_int)) {
return resp;
} else if (is_money) {
decimal temp_dec;
if (decimal.TryParse(resp, out temp_dec)) {
resp = $"{temp_dec:C2}";
return resp;
} else if (opts != null) {
resp = resp.ToLower();
if (opts.Contains(resp)) {
@ -175,9 +193,10 @@ string get_input(string text = "Please enter your text: ",
void add_new_pet(string[,] animals, int slots) {
int at_indx = max_pets - slots;
string id = $"{rand_str(abcd)}{rand_int(nums)}";
string specie = get_input("Enter pet specie: ", false, species);
string specie = get_input("Enter pet specie: ", false, false, species);
string name = get_input("Enter the pet name (? if unknown): ");
int age = Int32.Parse(get_input("Enter pet age (-1 if unknown): ", true));
string donation = get_input("Enter suggested donation: ", false, true);
string desc = get_input("Enter the physical description (? if unknown): ");
string perso = get_input("Enter pet personality (? if unknown): ");
animals[at_indx, 0] = specie;
@ -186,6 +205,7 @@ void add_new_pet(string[,] animals, int slots) {
animals[at_indx, 3] = age.ToString();
animals[at_indx, 4] = perso;
animals[at_indx, 5] = name;
animals[at_indx, 6] = donation;
void ask_new_pet() {
@ -303,6 +323,31 @@ void check_nick_and_perso(string[,] animals) {
void search_specie_by_desc(string specie, string[,] animals) {
bool found = false;
string detail = get_input(
$"Enter one desired {specie} characteristics to search for: "
for (int j = 0; j < animals.GetLength(0); j++) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animals[j, 1])) {
if (animals[j, 0] == specie) {
string description = " " + animals[j, 2] +
"\n " + animals[j, 4];
if (description.Contains(detail)) {
found = true;
print($"\nOur {specie} {animals[j,5]} is a match!");
if (!found) {
print($"None of our {specie}s are a match found for: {detail}");
@ -336,17 +381,13 @@ while (!exit) {
case "7":
search_specie_by_desc("cat", our_animals);
case "8":
search_specie_by_desc("dog", our_animals);
case "exit":
print("\n\tTerminating application\n");
print("\n\tClosing application\n");
exit = !exit;