Random random = new Random(); int luck = random.Next(100); string[] text = { "You have much to", "Today is a day to", "Whatever work you do", "This is an ideal time to" }; string[] good = { "look forward to.", "try new things!", "is likely to succeed.", "accomplish your dreams!" }; string[] bad = { "fear.", "avoid major decisions.", "may have unexpected outcomes.", "re-evaluate your life." }; string[] neutral = { "appreciate.", "enjoy time with friends.", "should align with your values.", "get in tune with nature." }; void tell_fortune() { Console.WriteLine("A fortune teller whispers the following words:"); string[] fortune = (luck > 75 ? good : (luck < 25 ? bad : neutral)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{text[i]} {fortune[i]} "); } } tell_fortune();