# Introduction The C# programming language is similar to any human written or spoken language. They each support different ways of expressing the same idea. In spoken languages, some words and phrases are more descriptive, accurate, or succinct than others. In the C# programming language, there is more than one way to create branching logic. For example, selections that use `if` statements and selections that use `switch` statements. Depending on the context of your application, one type of selection statement might be more expressive and succinct than the other. Suppose working on applications that make extensive use of selections statements. In some cases, `if-elseif-else` constructs are used to produce succinct and expressive code that is easy to read and maintain. In other cases, the `if-elseif-else` constructs produce the required result, but are difficult to read and maintain. You have been tasked with reviewing the code and determining when it is suitable to use a `switch` statement rather than an `if` statement. In this module, you'll investigate the use of a `switch` statement to implement branching logic as an alternative to an `if` statement. You'll also work on converting an `if-elseif-else` construct to a `switch-case` construct. During this process, you'll learn to recognize the benefits of choosing one type of selection statement over the other. By the end of this module, you'll be able to implement `switch` statements in your application, judge when to use a `switch` statement over an `if-elseif-else` construct, and convert `if-elseif-else` constructs to `switch` statements. ### Learning objectives In this module, you will: - Use the `switch-case` construct to match a variable or expression against several possible outcomes. - Convert code that uses an `if-elseif-else` construct into a `switch-case` construct. --- ## Exercise ### Implement a switch statement A `switch` statement is a C# selection statement that provides an alternative to an `if-elseif-else` branching construct. The `switch` statement provides advantages over an `if-elseif-else` construct when evaluating a single value against a list of known matching values. Consider the following scenario: - You're working on an application related to food nutrition. A section of the code deals with fruits. - Your code includes a variable named `fruit` that's used to hold the name of different types of fruit. - You have a list of the 20 fruits that your application is focused on. - You want to branch your code based on the value assigned to `fruit`. In this scenario, you can use a `switch` statement to create a separate branch for each type of fruit. ### How does a switch statement work? The `switch` statement chooses one section of code to execute from a list of possible switch sections. The selected switch section is chosen based on a pattern match with the statement's match expression. Consider the following code sample that shows the basic structure of `switch` statement: ```cs switch (fruit) { case "apple": Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for apple."); break; case "banana": Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for banana."); break; case "cherry": Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for cherry."); break; } ``` The match expression (which may also be referred to as the switch expression) is the value following the `switch` keyword, in this case (`fruit`). Each *switch* section is defined by a *case pattern*. Case patterns are constructed using the keyword `case` followed by a value. The first case pattern in this example is: `case "apple":`. Case patterns are Boolean expressions that evaluate to either `true` or `false`. Each switch section includes a small number of code lines that will be executed if the case pattern is a match for the match expression. In this example, if `fruit` is assigned a value of "apple", the first case pattern will evaluate as `true` and that switch section will be executed. A switch statement must include at least one switch section, but will normally contain three or more switch sections. The switch is best used when: - You have a single value (variable or expression) that you want to match against many possible values. - For any given match, you need to execute a couple of lines of code at most. > Note > This first example of a `switch` statement is purposefully simple and your examination of the syntax was brief. You will be examining additional features of the `switch` statement when you work through some more advanced scenarios in the sections below. It's time to prepare your coding environment and begin developing your own `switch` statements. #### Prepare your coding environment At the Terminal command prompt, to create a new console application in a specified folder, type dotnet new console -o ./path_to/TestProject and then press Enter. This .NET CLI command uses a .NET program template to create a new C# console application project in the specified folder location. #### Create and test a switch statement Type the following code into the editor: ```cs int employeeLevel = 200; string employeeName = "John Smith"; string title = ""; switch (employeeLevel) { case 100: title = "Junior Associate"; break; case 200: title = "Senior Associate"; break; case 300: title = "Manager"; break; case 400: title = "Senior Manager"; break; default: title = "Associate"; break; } Console.WriteLine($"{employeeName}, {title}"); ``` The Program.cs file must be saved before building or running the code. At the Terminal command prompt, to run your code, type `dotnet run` and then press Enter. Output  ```txt John Smith, Senior Associate ``` Take a minute to review the `switch` statement that you entered. Notice that the `switch` statement defines a single code block. The `switch` statement defines a single code block that includes a list of `switch` sections. To the right of the switch keyword is a *switch expression* that's enclosed in parentheses. Notice the list of switch sections inside the code block. The `switch` code block contains a list of switch sections, each of which includes one or more switch labels. In addition, each switch section includes a statement list that will execute if the label is equal to the switch expression defined at the top of the switch statement. The switch expression is evaluated against the case labels from top to bottom until a value that is equal to the switch expression is found. If none of the labels are a match, the statement list for the `default` case will be executed. If no default is included, control is transferred to the end point of the switch statement. Each label must provide a value type that matches the type specified in the switch expression. > Note > The optional `default` label can appear at any position within the list of switch sections. However, most developers choose to put it last because it makes more sense (logically) to position `default` as the final option. Regardless of the position, the `default` section will be evaluated last. In our example: - the switch expression is `(employeeLevel)` - each switch section has a single switch label (`case` or `default`). - the matching switch section is defined by `case: 200`, since `employeeLevel = 200`. Notice that each switch section is separated from the next. Only one switch section is allowed to be executed. This means that execution of a switch section is not permitted to “fall through” to the next switch section. The `break` keyword is one of several ways to end a switch section before it gets to the next section. If you forget the `break` keyword (or, optionally, the `return` keyword) the compiler will generate an error. #### Change the level variable value to see how the switch statement evaluates it To exercise the default case, let's change the employee's level by modifying the value assignment. To modify the value assigned to `employeeLevel`, update your code as follows: ```cs int employeeLevel = 201; ``` Save your code file, and then run your code. Enter `dotnet run` from the Terminal command prompt to run your code. Notice that the output has changed. Now, when you run the code, you should see the more generic title used. ```txt John Smith, Associate ``` Since the `employeeLevel` doesn't match any labels, the `default` label is matched. #### Modify a switch section to include multiple labels Suppose our company decided to give all level 100 employees the title "Senior Associate" -- the same title as level 200 employees. As the developer, you decide to implement this by removing the first switch section belonging to the label `case 100:`, and instead allow both the `case 100:` and `case 200:` labels to execute the same switch section. To modify the value assigned to employeeLevel, update your code as follows: ```cs int employeeLevel = 100; ``` To assign multiple labels to the first switch section, update your code as follows: ```cs case 100: case 200: title = "Senior Associate"; break; ``` When you're finished making changes, your modifications should match the following code: ```cs int employeeLevel = 100; string employeeName = "John Smith"; string title = ""; switch (employeeLevel) { case 100: case 200: title = "Senior Associate"; break; case 300: title = "Manager"; break; case 400: title = "Senior Manager"; break; default: title = "Associate"; break; } Console.WriteLine($"{employeeName}, {title}"); ``` Save your code file, and then run your code. Enter `dotnet run` from the Terminal command prompt to run your code. You should see the following output: ```txt John Smith, Senior Associate ``` Both of the case labels `100` and `200` are now paired with the switch section that sets the title to the string value `Senior Associate`. ### Recap Here's the main takeaways you learned about the switch statement: - Use the `switch` statement when you have one value with many possible matche s, each match requiring a branch in your code logic. - A single switch section containing code logic can be matched using one or more labels defined by the `case` keyword. - Use the optional `default` keyword to create a label and a switch section that will be used when no other case labels match. --- ## Exercise ### Complete a challenge activity using switch statements Code challenges will reinforce what you've learned, and help you gain some confidence before continuing on. ### Convert to switch statements challenge In this challenge, you'll rewrite an `if-elseif-else` construct as a `switch` statement. This challenge should help you see the strengths/weaknesses of the `switch` statement when compared to an `if-elseif-else` construct. Good luck. ### Code challenge: rewrite if-elseif-else using a switch statement You'll start with code that uses an `if-elseif-else` construct to evaluate the components of a product SKU. The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is formatted using three coded values: `-<2-letter color code>-`. For example, a SKU value of `01-MN-L` corresponds to (sweat shirt)-(maroon)-(large), and the code outputs a description that appears as "Product: Large Maroon Sweat shirt". Your challenge is to convert the `if` statement code to a `switch` statement that achieves the same result as the initial code. Enter the following code into the code editor: ```cs // SKU = Stock Keeping Unit. // SKU value format: -<2-letter color code>- string sku = "01-MN-L"; string[] product = sku.Split('-'); string type = ""; string color = ""; string size = ""; if (product[0] == "01") { type = "Sweat shirt"; } else if (product[0] == "02") { type = "T-Shirt"; } else if (product[0] == "03") { type = "Sweat pants"; } else { type = "Other"; } if (product[1] == "BL") { color = "Black"; } else if (product[1] == "MN") { color = "Maroon"; } else { color = "White"; } if (product[2] == "S") { size = "Small"; } else if (product[2] == "M") { size = "Medium"; } else if (product[2] == "L") { size = "Large"; } else { size = "One Size Fits All"; } Console.WriteLine($"Product: {size} {color} {type}"); ``` Update the code to use a `switch` statement in place of the `if-elseif-else` construct. Verify that your output hasn't changed. No matter how you do it, your code should produce the following output: Output  ```txt Product: Large Maroon Sweat shirt ``` ```cs string sku = "01-MN-L"; string[] product = sku.Split('-'); string type = ""; string color = ""; string size = ""; switch (product[0]) { case "01": type = "Sweat shirt"; break; case "02": type = "T-Shirt"; break; case "03": type = "Sweat pants"; break; default: type = "Other"; break; } switch (product[1]) { case "BL": color = "Black"; break; case "MN": color = "Maroon"; break; default: color = "White"; break; } switch (product[2]) { case "S": size = "Small"; break; case "M": size = "Medium"; break; case "L": size = "Large"; break; default: size = "One Size Fits All"; break; } Console.WriteLine($"Product: {size} {color} {type}"); ```